Once again, I've managed to not update this blog for a few months! It's been an eventful few months, though; mostly good! Anyway, to address stuff from my last entry-- No, I didn't get into this year's Toledo Area Artists Exhibition at the TMA. Space was limited and entries were very, very numerous, so naturally more established/skilled (lol) artists than I made it in. Anyways, I'm mostly updating about yesterday's Gallery Loop in Downtown/Uptown Toledo. Over 20 venues participated and the event was a real humdinger! One gallery in uptown actually opened for the first time last night-- Bella's Art in the District (1700 Canton ave) -- and that's actually where some of my paintings are on display. The place is small, but the turnout has been pretty great! To top it off, one of my large paintings has a potential buyer! Anyway, the place is mentioned in the current issue of Toledo City Paper, page 18:

Don't know why my name is in bold, but that's cool. And, check it out, 1 and 1/2 of my paintings are in that photo, haha!
As for current stuff I'm working on-- I've got 3 more landscapes I've been doing, hopefully I can get at least one done by tomorrow, because there's yet another exhibition here in Toledo that I'm trying to submit work to. More details on that later! Other than that, Jory and I are really making good progress on our cartoon! We finished our first little clip, though it's not uploaded to the internet yet, as the file size is huge; but I'll post a link once it's up. Anyway kids, thanks for reading and I'll post again with some work before too long!