Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday December 19
Hey there boys and girls, I have one painting that is a work in progress, and here it is. Maybe I should just call it done and move on? Not sure. Some parts of it I really dig, but some not so much. Don't know. 

Monday, December 13, 2010
End of Semester Painting Blowout!
Hello, Inter-Net friends. I have been all kinds of busy lately, what with the end of the semester/my undergraduate schooling coming to an end! Like many of my contemporaries at the School of Art at BGSU, I will be participating in the BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition which opens March of this coming year. More information can be had here: http://art.bgsu.edu/galleries/current.cfm
I am still unsure of whether to show my figurative or my landscape work for the exhibition, but I get a feeling the answer will become more obvious to me as the time draws near. Anyway, here are five new acrylic landscapes I have been working on for Dennis's class. They are each almost entirely finished, but I tend to get the impulse to tweak each further by just a little bit so don't consider this absolute.

South of The Spot
24" x 49"

22" x 42"

West Monroe
22" x 42"

22" x 42"

Edge of Uptown
22" x 42"
I am pretty satisfied with all of these. I will most likely continue to go back in and add some fine small details in ink and that will be that. I will continue to make more paintings like this, only I think I'd like to work even larger! Dennis thinks its the natural progression for my paintings and I can't help but agree. The only obstacles are logistical ones-- simply, I need a larger car to move them! Been thinking about getting a cheap, seriously shitty van or truck with the sole purpose in mind of moving paintings and things.
Also been considering submitting my work for consideration in the Hudson Gallery in Downtown Sylvania http://www.hudsongallery.net/gallery/index.html
Its a very nice gallery space, located in the Northwest Toledo suburb of Sylvania, where I was born. Some of my reference material used in my paintings (both bodies of work) are photographs taken right by the Hudson gallery, even! Still considering it though, as I'm not entirely sure my paintings quite fit with the aesthetic the Hudson appeals to.
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