This first one was filmed sometime around April of 2009, for a video editing project in a class I was taking. The, uh, "scope" of the film is very much the kind of hackneyed crap that would be produced when I have complete creative control over that sort of thing. I decided it was going to be a "cover" of that old Sears air conditioning commercial everyone saw during the 90s. You know the one, "Hotter?" "Like yesterday." "Yesterday? Yesterday you said you'd call Sears." "I"ll call today." "You call now." "I'll call now" and so on. My take on it is darker, but also, more stupid. I think I must have watched Taxi Driver or some Robert DeNiro flick the night before we filmed this. Anyway, just watch.
The second video you have the singular pleasure of viewing is entitled Super Hi Fi Kung Fu Action 2. This is the second installment of what was really a project that lasted throughout all of high school. Filmed in 2004, over several short filming sessions scheduled over a period of a few months. As such, and as we were/are indeed amateurs, the inconsistencies in this video are comically bad.
As for a little background on the "story" of this video, there isn't much to tell. During high school, a few friends and I were way big into old shitty kung fu movies, so we thought we'd try our hand at making our own shitty kung fu movies. In keeping with that aesthetic, we intentionally filmed most the video without audio, then dubbed over each character's dialogue with a different person. This ensured an astute level of shittiness, but we unwittingly raised said level to the realm of the profound by way of our inexcusably bad flow and cuts throughout this eleven minute feature. The flow is so bad that we, at one point, had to hault filming for more than a month because I injured myself while choreographing a particularly stupid move late in the video. That change in time is indicated in the film by the short clip of leaves falling inexplicably between 2 shots meant to be part of one scene. Anyway, I think that's all I have to say about this one for now, so just watch it, if you feel so inclined.