Hey there buckaroos, look where I've been spending a lot of my time:

That's right, painting until very late on a Saturday night! As you can see, I like to work on several paintings at one time. Chalk it up to too little attention, too much energy, or whatever theory you have. Anyway, here's a closer look at the individual paintings.

This is the absolute most recent one. Got inspired to try depicting a more urban landscape after a recent trip to Columbus and then a trip to Detroit last Saturday. I feel this painting is largely a success, and I am content with where it's at.

This one weighs noticeably more than the others due to all the paint I layered onto the foreground via an impasto technique. It was originally a sort of pthalo blue, but I decided to push it to be more about an exchange between olive and terracotta colors.

This one actually progressed very linearly from start to finish with really no major snags. I think this was my first time using solely a palette knife to render an entire building, but I am pleased with its outcome. I did, however, add on some black line with a pen afterwards in keeping with my own stylistic tendencies.

This was one of the more troublesome paintings of the lot. My reference for this was actually set at night, and I am inexperienced painting landscapes without any natural light. Composition also became a problem, but this was not apparent to me until well after I started it. In the end, though, I feel confident about my remedy to its composition and believe this work to be at a good place.

This is the first of these paintings that I started, but I was very unhappy with it at one point. I got too literal with the linework and ended up letting this one sit for a few weeks while I progress the others along. When I did pick this one up again, I decided to push the yellow and alizarin, letting those colors partially obscure the too-tight linework. That being settled, I am now very pleased with this one!