Sunday, October 31, 2010

Current Works

Hey there buckaroos, look where I've been spending a lot of my time:

That's right, painting until very late on a Saturday night! As you can see, I like to work on several paintings at one time. Chalk it up to too little attention, too much energy, or whatever theory you have. Anyway, here's a closer look at the individual paintings.

This is the absolute most recent one. Got inspired to try depicting a more urban landscape after a recent trip to Columbus and then a trip to Detroit last Saturday. I feel this painting is largely a success, and I am content with where it's at.

This one weighs noticeably more than the others due to all the paint I layered onto the foreground via an impasto technique. It was originally a sort of pthalo blue, but I decided to push it to be more about an exchange between olive and terracotta colors.

This one actually progressed very linearly from start to finish with really no major snags. I think this was my first time using solely a palette knife to render an entire building, but I am pleased with its outcome. I did, however, add on some black line with a pen afterwards in keeping with my own stylistic tendencies.

This was one of the more troublesome paintings of the lot. My reference for this was actually set at night, and I am inexperienced painting landscapes without any natural light. Composition also became a problem, but this was not apparent to me until well after I started it. In the end, though, I feel confident about my remedy to its composition and believe this work to be at a good place.

This is the first of these paintings that I started, but I was very unhappy with it at one point. I got too literal with the linework and ended up letting this one sit for a few weeks while I progress the others along. When I did pick this one up again, I decided to push the yellow and alizarin, letting those colors partially obscure the too-tight linework. That being settled, I am now very pleased with this one!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Sweetest Skull"

Been awhile since I posted last! I am alive and doing very well. Busy as hell but that's the way I like it! Been doing a lot of painting and drawing, and definitely growing while I do it. Concurrently working on two different bodies of work-- one is still the large-format abstracted landscapes reminiscent of the Fauves, and the other is actually figurative. I use acrylic for both, and I have to say its been working out pretty well! I am getting more bold and skilled with acrylic, which is exciting because I am really not as crazy about watercolor as I was a few years ago. Haven't had the chance to document any of my works done so far this semester, but I did manage to quickly scan in this drawing. Drew this in a really short period of time upon realizing today is Sweetest Day. I fucking KNOW this just screams cliche' in at least 4 ways, kids, but don't go busting my chops over it.
Also, for anyone living not too far around Detroit, there is going to be an opening at the Klein Gallery in Birmingham, Michigan (approx. 20 minutes north of Detroit), featuring work by Alyssa Monks, who does some sweet-ass figurative work. The opening is this Saturday (October 23) at 5 pm. Here's the Klein gallery's website, it shows Monks' work as well as all the info you need if you're interested in going.